About Author Casey Moore, The Productivity Coach

Spend your time on what matters.™ That’s my motto. Helping people do just that is my mission. Coaching enables my clients to transform the way they approach their work and lives. They move from stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed to calm, focused and in flow. It is humbling, moving and inspiring to witness them be more present with their families, advance in their careers and find greater peace.

In 2000, I founded my company Living Simply® Consulting, Inc. and have spent the years since studying and practicing to more effectively serve my clients. You can see my credentials below.

What’s my definition of productivity? Producing the life you want. What do I want? To grow ever closer with my husband, enjoy my family and friends, hike in nature almost daily, sing, dance, meditate and play park ranger in our backyard. I’m producing joy and peace one day at a time.

I appreciate working with diverse clients, including (but not limited to!) women, people of color, LGBTQ, seniors, people with ADHD and other brain-based conditions, and/or those with physical disabilities. Living a peaceful and productive life is everyone’s birthright.



For my full curriculum vitae, click the green button below. My credentials (and the certifying bodies whose codes of ethics guide my work) include:

Casey's CV