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Casey’s eTip: Look for the Third Option

Feeling pressure or excessive stress narrows our thinking and options. Our brain simplifies and tells us it's either this or that, right or wrong, my way or the highway, and so on. Don't believe that duality. Instead... Casey's eTip: Look for the Third Option When you notice that your problem-solving…
November 19, 2024

Casey’s eTip: Listen Without Giving Advice

"Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity," wrote Simone Weil in 1942 and it's true today. To give it… Casey's eTip: Listen Without Giving Advice Telling someone how to fix their problems or improve their situation can be well-meaning, but it tends to shut the speaker down. Trust…
November 13, 2024

Casey’s eTip: Set Up ICE on Your Phone

Communication is a critical element of producing the life that you want. But what if you have a medical emergency and can't speak or write? Your phone do it for you if you... Casey's eTip: Set Up ICE on Your Phone ICE stands for In Case of Emergency. You can…
November 5, 2024

Casey’s eTip: Imagine How You’ll Feel Afterwards

Motivation can be difficult to muster for some activities. It can help to… Casey's eTip: Imagine How You'll Feel Afterwards Usually people try to stimulate motivation with mild self-reproach: "Don't procrastinate!" "Think how bad it'll be if you don't do it." This approach can backfire. Its opposite, however, works quite…
October 22, 2024

Casey’s eTip: Give New Habits the Time They Need

There is a lot of misinformation out there about how long it takes to build a habit. My suggestion… Casey's eTip: Give New Habits the Time They Need Throw your ideas about the time a new habit "should" take out the window. Repetition, not days, is what matters. A behavior…
October 15, 2024

Casey’s eTip: Take a Few Minutes to Plan Q4

One reason people avoid planning is that they think it will take a long time. It doesn't have to! And early October is a wonderful time to… Casey's eTip: Take a Few Minutes to Plan Q4 One approach: Grab a tool to capture your thoughts (phone, laptop, pen & paper),…
October 9, 2024

Casey’s eTip: Make Time Talk Powerful

Our language can subtly foster a victim-of-time mindset that is discouraging. To counteract it… Casey's eTip: Make Time Talk Powerful Powerful language with self and others is factually/neutrally accurate. For example, instead of saying "I don't have time for that," you could say, "I choose not to spend my time…
October 1, 2024

Casey’s eTip: When in Doubt, Throw It Out

Here's an organizing idea that's easy to remember… Casey's eTip: When in Doubt, Throw It Out When deciding what to keep and what to delete when it comes to your digital and physical-world items, recognize that doubt means that there's no strong reason to retain something. You wouldn't hesitate to…
September 24, 2024

Casey’s eTip: See Your Real Due Dates Clearly

It's human nature to assign wishful or hopeful due dates to specific tasks. These fake deadlines can get in the way, however, because you need to… Casey's eTip: See Your Real Due Dates Clearly Your to-do system only works if you can fully trust it to alert you when a…
September 17, 2024

Casey’s eTip: Ask a Question to Help You Decide

When you face a particularly challenging task (and want to run) or need to make an important life or work decision… Casey's eTip: Ask a Question to Help You Decide As Oliver Burkeman notes in his wonderful book Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals, the Jungian analyst James Hollis…
September 11, 2024