One reason people avoid planning is that they think it will take a long time. It doesn’t have to! And early October is a wonderful time to…
Casey’s eTip: Take a Few Minutes to Plan Q4
One approach: Grab a tool to capture your thoughts (phone, laptop, pen & paper), set a timer for 10 minutes and let your brain be free! Jot down your needs and wants for the upcoming Q4 holiday season. Here are just a few considerations: travel, parties, gifts, baking/treats, family visits. If you want to negotiate or re-set expectations in any of these areas (or others), now is the time to do it.
Will everything get planned in 10 minutes? No. But now that you’ve broken through the mental barrier, you can enlist others to help and schedule some more in-depth planning for later.
This eTip brought to you by the Planning link in your Productivity Chain