Coaching Agreement

Please read carefully before signing. Please enter your email address carefully so that you get your copy as soon as you hit Submit.

    Parties Involved
    This agreement applies to Casey Moore of Living Simply Consulting, Inc. [hereafter referred to as “CM”] and you, the “Client.”

    Sponsor Communication
    If a third party [“Sponsor”], e.g., Client’s employer, pays for Client’s coaching, this Sponsor’s goals, needs and perspective must be considered in the Assessment, Action Plan and coaching. CM may report to Sponsor regarding Client’s progress, get feedback, and encourage Sponsor to support Client’s process within the limits of the Non-Disclosure Agreement.

    *Client is responsible for attending appointments on time without reminders. Client initiates any telephone appointments.

    *Client is responsible for minimizing distractions during sessions. Appointments cannot occur while Client drives, eats, or has others in the room unless those others are a pre-agreed upon part of the coaching.

    *Client is responsible for practicing new habits, being forthright and actively involved in the process, preparing for appointments with planned topics and co-designing action steps for him/herself.

    *CM is responsible for coaching and training the Client, staying true to Client’s goals, being objective and direct, and providing accountability support for Client’s new habits development.

    Please initial:

    Appointment Changes
    *A “no show” occurs when Client fails to appear or contact CM by 10 minutes after the appointment start time.

    *When canceling or rescheduling an appointment, Client must notify CM at least 36 hours before a session (72 hours before a session scheduled to last two hours or more) to avoid late-change status.

    *Client and CM each get one “free” last-minute change/cancellation for emergencies, illness, etc., per twelve month period.

    *Late appointment changes or no-shows by Client will result in forfeit of that session from a pre-paid package or will be billed in full for pay-as-you-go arrangements. Note: Too much lost time may require re-assessment of goals/success measures.

    *CM will make up 100% of the time with Client if she late-reschedules or late-cancels.

    *Coaching Package appointments must occur within the specified number of months after the first coaching appointment unless a specific new agreement has been reached. New agreements are decided on a case-by-case basis.

    Please initial:

    *Fees are due upon receipt of invoice and bank fees for insufficient funds must be paid by Client unless there is a Sponsor, in which case, the Sponsor pays all fees.
    *Packages are invoiced in two parts: one at outset and the other two months later. Monthly coaching is due prior to start of the first session of the new month.
    *A travel fee to meet at locations over 30 minutes from LSC headquarters (Leander, TX) is decided on case-by-case basis.

    Coaching Documentation
    *CM tracks coaching hours in a log that lists session dates and durations (no content data is included). In the rare case of an audit, this log may be sent by CM to credentialing bodies which maintain strict confidentiality standards.
    *Sessions may be recorded for CM to review alone or with a mentor coach or at client request. In such cases, the recordings are audio only and no last names or descriptive data is shared and strictest confidentiality is maintained. Clients may access recordings upon request. Each recording will be fully deleted within six months of session date.

    *Either the Client or CM may terminate this Agreement at any time with one week written notice. Client agrees to compensate CM for all coaching services rendered through the effective date of termination of the coaching relationship.
    *Client is responsible for all decisions. CM asks questions and offers ideas for Client consideration with the shared awareness that Client knows more about self, situation, profession, work environment, and so on, and must take all that into account before choosing to act or not act.
    *Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, CM makes no guarantees, representations or warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied with respect to the coaching services negotiated, agreed upon and rendered. In no event shall CM be liable to Client for any indirect, consequential or special damages. Notwithstanding any damages that the Client may incur, the Coach’s entire liability under this Agreement, and the Client’s exclusive remedy, shall be limited to the amount actually paid by the Client to the Coach under this Agreement for all coaching services rendered through and including the termination date.

    Intellectual Property
    *Most of LSC’s handouts are copyrighted and may be reprinted or distributed only with permission and credit. The Productivity Chain is trademarked.

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