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“Open Door” Doesn’t Mean 24-7 (Part 1)

I recently asked a group of professionals to differentiate between “Open Door” and “All Access.” “There’s a difference?” one person asked. Many people, striving for quality service and positive relationships, confuse “Open Door” with “Constant Availability.” They forget that the Open Door Policy (ODP) is a philosophy, not a description of a permanent…
January 27, 2019

Casey’s eTip: Reframe and Leverage Stress

There are two kinds of stress. Both can arise at work. One will kill you; the other makes you stronger. The difference between the two is the way you view them. Professor Kelly McGonigal of Stanford University makes a compelling case that shifting your mindset physically changes the way stress…
October 24, 2018

Hear Casey Discuss Productive Entrepreneurship

Karen Kalis, the Entrepreneur Coach, interviewed me for her Millionaire Mamas event. I talked about strategies for being a productive entrepreneur--or whether entrepreneurship is for you. Not all business owners are actually entrepreneurs. Check out the interview here.
March 17, 2016

Casey’s book selected by NAPO-Chicago’s Book Club

The Chicago chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers has a new book club that will meet twice a year and their inaugural book selection is Stop Organizing, Start Producing by Casey Moore. "It's a huge honor to review my work in this way," says Casey. "I can't wait…
January 7, 2013

Holiday Letter from Casey Moore

Yes, it's cheesy, but I love holiday letters. It's fun to look back on the year and reflect on blessings and growth. If you like them too, or you just want to see how my year went, click here: Casey's holiday letter 2012 And have a Happy New Year!
December 22, 2012

Casey’s eTip: Practice Acceptance, Not Correction

As 2012 draws to a close, here's a strategy to stay productive personally and professionally. You'll "produce" peace within and with others (e.g., family) when you can accept what is instead of always trying to engineer what "should" be. Casey's eTip: Practice Acceptance, Not Correction "Just for today I will…
December 22, 2012

Casey’s eTip: Start Holiday Planning Now

It's 3 weeks to Halloween, 6 to Thanksgiving, 12 to New Year's. Here are a few ways to get ready ahead of the curve this season: * Decide how YOU want your holidays to be (simple, fancy, etc.). * Consult family about who's going where…these decisions can take weeks. *…
October 15, 2012

Casey’s eTip: Clear the Clutter One Scrap at a Time

A survey of Human Resource managers found that 83% thought your desk reflected your professionalism. Not very orderly...not very professional. You won't get fired for it, but clutter may limit your advancement--fair or not.* Casey's eTip: Clear the Clutter One Scrap at a Time Piles and scattered notes reflect decisions…
September 9, 2012