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Casey’s eTip: Label Your Emotions to Regulate Them

Casey's eTip: Label Your Emotions to Regulate Them

Emotions are important. They tell us when our needs are being met and when they are not. They draw our awareness to our thoughts and circumstances so that we can address them both appropriately. Unfortunately, our emotions can sometimes carry us away. So, listen to Casey’s eTip: Label Your Emotions to Regulate Them.

Psychologists recommend a two-prong approach. First, label the emotion. It instantly creates some distance and perspective. Second, get more granular in your emotional identification. Anger might be mild irritation or annoyance or frustration or long-term resentment or white-hot rage. Happiness might range from contentment to elation and many variations in between. Research shows that the abilty to label with specificity leads to better coping.